A month ago, I began to work with a writing coach in an effort to get at the heart of my fear of writing my story. Her method is to identify “source energies” which are unique to every one of us. After a couple of sessions, she/we determined that my source energies were “light and love.” Being the devout cynic that I am, I dismissed this conclusion as “way, way, WAY Hallmark.” Seriously, “light and love? You get that from a fortune cookie?” My coach was not amused. “I’ve never had a client with both light and love in their Source field,” she wrote, “you went straight to the highest energies.”
Okay . . . NOW what? She assigned me to “spread the light and love,” particularly to myself. The next morning, I saw the front of a greeting card that I had addressed to a beloved. Coincidence?

I was moved by the connection so I decided that one way to BE a light was to spread the light. Literally. So I purchased a couple dozen LED candles (see above photo) and on a small piece of paper, typed up more of the John Lewis quote featured on the front of this card: “You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone—any person or any force– dampen, dim or diminish your light.” I then put a copy of the quote along with a candle into a small gift bag. I looked and thought, “Wow, it really is possible to hold the light in one hand.”

So the next morning, I walked through my court and anonymously left the small gift of light on every porch or mailbox. I also gave a few to close friends and have placed several on grocery store shelves here and there.

So what’s the moral of this story? Something biblical? “Let your light shine before others,” exhorts Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount. Something literary? “We are not great powers. But we are the light. Nobody can put us out,” writes Ursula LeGuin. Or how about something right in front of you? Look in the mirror. See that bright, shining face? That’s you, a light in this world.
You want to know what light SOUNDS like? Google the speeches that Michelle and Barack Obama gave last evening at the Democratic National Convention.
Seriously. Watch. Listen. Shine.
Here is the complete “light” quote from John Lewis (from his book, Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America):
“You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone—any person or any force—dampen, dim or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant. Lean toward the whispers of your own heart, discover the universal truth, and follow its dictates. […] Release the need to hate, to harbor division, and the enticement of revenge. Release all bitterness. Hold only love, only peace in your heart, knowing that the battle of good to overcome evil is already won. Choose confrontation wisely, but when it is your time don’t be afraid to stand up, speak up, and speak out against injustice. And if you follow your truth down the road to peace and the affirmation of love, if you shine like a beacon for all to see, then the poetry of all the great dreamers and philosophers is yours to manifest in a nation, a world community, and a Beloved Community that is finally at peace with itself.”
BTW, the cost of the “You are a light” greeting card that inspired all of this? $5.50.
The dozens of candles and gift bags? $8.86
It doesn’t take a lot to spread the light.
So deeply profound. I just attended a Cynthia Bourgeault on concious aging in which she noted that the journey was primarily inward. As we age we attend to the inner journey that carries us to the soul life on the other side of cellular life–such as light and love. So timely. As always, thank you.
Charlotte, I would love to know more of what you learned from Cynthia Bourgeault on conscious aging. Aging comes to mind every time I take one of my long walks and realize that I just can’t walk as fast as I once did. That I need to slow down. Shut up. Pay attention. Then I’m grateful for the years that led to this wisdom. It’s still not easy, though!
And you’re very welcome. My light reflects yours.
This comment about today’s post from my long-time friend, Mary — I believe we’ve known each other since kindergarten!
“One never understands the impact a small gesture has on another. You made my day! Thank you.”
And you made mine by returning the light, Mary. xo
I’m reminded by this lovely piece of the closing of a little chorus I learned in Sunday School so many, many years ago:
In this world of darkness, we must shine,
You in your small corner and I in mine.
Not always easy, as sometimes the darkness creeps too deeply into the corners of our very selves. In those times, I think we simply trust others to shine for us. Your little lights are such a good reminder of our responsibility to shine what and when we can for others…and to let others shine for us when the darkness overwhelms.
Don’t mean to dump darkness into such a light-filled piece. Just a touch of realism, I guess.
This lovely piece reminds me of the closing of a little chorus I learned in Sunday School so many, many years ago:
In this world of darkness, we must shine,
You in your small corner, and I in mine.
Sometimes a joy to shine. Sometimes a miserable and even impossible chore, when the darkness creeps too close into our souls! When these times come for me, I simply try to rest in letting others shine and allow their light to call me back to my own shining. God bless every shining!
Carol — I don’t think you meant to post both of your comments, but the repetition doesn’t hurt one bit! MORE LIGHT!
It seemed like an ordinary day when I found the candle & message, but it made me feel special. Sometimes, when you do something rather secretly, it makes you feel special too, doesn’t it? I’m happy to shine the light & love on you, too! 🙂
Thank you for making me feel special!
Laura: you ARE special! You are a light!❤️🙏
Late to the party … again! I read this post first thing this morning and it made my day, too! Unfortunately, the day didn’t allow me time to post until now. Can I steal this idea for holiday time? I usually give our many nieces and nephews money, but I’d love to package it in a little bag with a candle and a quote!
In “Across that Bridge” Lewis says that we must ACT. You haven’t just talked about light and love, you delivered it! So perfect.
Thank you!
Beth: you are so welcome and no worries about responding late. I am replying to your comment at 2:39 a.m. EST on Thursday, August 22 to watch the repeat of the DNC because I am sleeping by 8 pm most nights and don’t want to miss this particular light”!
Of course, you can “steal” this idea at holiday time because in some way, your faithful light in my life over the past few decades has inspired this small of of acting or as Michelle Obama exhorts, doing something.
And to change up Kamala’s rallying cry just a bit: WHEN WE LIGHT, WE WIN!