A couple of weeks ago, I posted Parts One & Two of “Operation Sharonimo” — the fulfillment of Writing Assignment #1 from my Write Wing companion. Assignment #2 was this:
Your local television station has fired its meteorologist and hired you — a struggling poet — for the job instead. Write this weekend’s weather forecast.
I decided to write a poem called “Election Day Forecast” in the style of a local poet who applied to be our community’s poet laureate several years ago. He wrote limericks. Seriously, limericks. Following is my poem and at the very end is my writing companion’s assessment:
There once was an election mid-term
between blue ass and red pachyderm,
with results so uncertain
about who’ll get the curtain,
Even the weather was hard to affirm.
Would the Northeast be cold and breezy?
The Southeast humid and sneezy?
The Northwest rainy and bleary?
The Southwest too hot for the weary?
There was no way to foretell
If the weather would turn out that well
Because the barometer that mattered
of ethics had been shattered —
So the extended outlook was heaven or hell.

Grade: A
There once was a clever poet named Sharon
Who had thought her talents were barren
With just two assignments she was up and rarin’
and sharin’ and carin’ and flarin’!
(It’s so sad that I’ve run out of gerunds)
LOVE IT! Agree with the grade of A if not A+
Heaven knows we need some humor in this day. It does feel like heaven or hell is hanging in the balance.
Thanks Dear One
Thank you for highlighting the poetry in blue.
Thank you, Charlotte and you’re welcome, Kelly.
The weather here is just miserable, but I voted around 7:10 this morning and the lines were long. Took me about 30 minutes. I am trying to remain calm about today, but . . .
Here’s a link to a “Saturday Night Live” spoof about the Democrats and the mid-term elections. It’s EXACTLY how I feel:
Sharie, I love your poem. I agree with Charlotte on the A+. My favorite line, “Because the barometer that mattered of ethics had been shattered” sadly says it all. It’s cold, dreary and very wet here, too. I got to the polls early and am now proudly wearing my “I Voted” sticker. The SNL link you provided above is hysterical. Your Write Wing companion’s poem is right on target. You are just as creative as you’ve ever been. xoxoxo
P.S. I like your new deck umbrella and base.
Finding it so hard to be hopeful today, so it was a delight to read your limerick-y poem. Lifted my spirits, even though that ethics barometer has been shattered. Heaven may be a bit much to hope for, but at least let’s hope the gates of Hell will be blockaded after this longest day of the year is over!
Thank you, Carol. You aren’t alone. I can’t concentrate on ANYthing. I’m going out for a walk now that the torrential rain has dissipated . . . in a futile attempt to get this election out of my head. PU-LEEEZE, sweet Jesus, shut up Trump!