September 27, 2018

The Hearing

Nearly two-thirds of the country will be watching the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today. I had planned to post on a related topic, but decided to keep the Spark and Spitfire platform open for spontaneous comments throughout the day. Feel free to post at any time.  Peace to all.


  • It’s over and I’m exhausted. God help us all. I suppose the Senate will go right on ahead and vote tomorrow. My, oh, my, there is work to be done. Keep at it my friends in your little corners of the world. Let’s do a better job of listening, loving and caring for each other. I vow to try harder.

    • I want to try harder, too, Beth. Not sure I can “vow” right now. I am so saddened by Kavanaugh’s testimony and the possibility that he might, indeed, be approved to be a Supreme Court judge. I’m just so saddened.

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