As many of you know, I walk daily, always with dog biscuits in my pocket. Over the years, I’ve come to know dozens of dogs. I even love several of them. One of them was dear Eva.

Last Thursday, Eva died suddenly from a suspected heart attack. Her death hit our community hard, so hard, I was moved to write a letter to the editor of our local paper which was published yesterday. There’s not much more I can say except that every time I pass her back yard while walking, I still instinctively look for her, tears in my eyes.

It’s Good Friday. I didn’t think it appropriate to post Ignite cartoons. Further, I wanted to post something that would somehow be my response to the President’s despicable actions detailed in the Mueller Report. Wish there was an Eva in the White House.
Sorry your community has lost such a good and faithful friend. Thanks for sharing her with us, too. Eva clearly lives on in the hearts of many.
A beautiful Good Friday posting. Eva’s eyes are so soul-filled. Wonder if she had dog thoughts as she died–“why? why? why?”
Hope she was not alone. Even if no one could save her, hope there were those who stood at the foot of her tiny cross.