November 15, 2019

Take Me Home

This weekend, Adrienne and I are marking our 15th anniversary, traditionally celebrated with all things crystal. One thing crystal clear to us is how grateful we are for the support of our beloveds, and how each one has welcomed us into the home we have made for one another.

A poem by Wendell Berry to honor our anniversary:


One faith is bondage. Two
are free. In the trust
of old love, cultivation shows
a dark and graceful wilderness
at its heart. Wild
in that wilderness, we roam
the distance of our faith;
safe beyond the bounds
of what we know. O love,
open. Show me
my country. Take me home.

Our small family, past and present: Isaac, Huck, Scout, Jem & Jake



  • Hey everyone — the long delay between this post and the last one (on October 10) can be explained by several factors:

    1. My desktop went kinda kaput.
    2. So did my iPad.
    3. My laptop is on its last whatever.

    Since then, I purchased both a new iMac Desktop and iPad. Keeping my fingers cross about the laptop.

    While I was away, the WordPress platform required that I update a couple of things: the PHP (I think that’s what it is) and the CRON (sounds dangerous). For example, this post was to be published at 4:40 a.m. and I got an ominous “Missed Schedule” error. I researched it and was directed to several “plug-ins” — whatever those are — and in the interim, the post went live at 5:05 a.m.

    We live in mystery, people.

  • [And each photo you chose to post? Serene. Comfortable. Warm. Safe. And telling.]

    Is there a word for the rhythm of a rising walk? In Italian, passeggiata means a leisurely, evening stroll. What word for yours? Blessed that such intimacy between you and ordinary morning awakenings are captured in photographed beauty. Something serene comfortable and warm and safe in knowing that every day, every year, whatever else is unfolding before us, beauty and wonder exist … the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Waiting. If we would only be still. And know. Such a gift.

  • Good Lord, Bird — always and all ways the poet.

    Now I’m curious about the name for the rhythm of a morning walk. It’s not leisurely because at the beginning, I am sometimes racing to get to the point 10 minutes after the posted time for sunrise to see the sun break the horizon. The colors/mystery are most vibrant at that time. So I get to that point and yes, I wait. I am still. Palms open.

    The photo that tops this post was taken 10 minutes before the sun broke through the horizon. Every time I look at it, I wonder if this is what my mother and sister, Karen, saw the moment they passed from this world to the next. Is that the entrance to heaven?

  • Happy Anniversary to you from Japan! After driving past Basho’s birthplace today, I offer a silly haiku in honor of my favorite fun-loving couple!

    both mysterious
    known for ninjas and haiku
    Basho’s hometown

  • Happy Anniversary Indeed. Much love to you both and to members of your family present in body and in spirit. Continue to be blessed by your photography and your choice of poetry. Your soul thrives.

  • Happy Anniversary! A beautiful poem, and I love the pictures of your family. Read the other night this line in a novel, “Tolstoy Lied,” and the line makes me think of you two: “…there is nothing more important than people willing to stand up for the truth of each other.” You have helped each other find your truth, and you have guarded each other’s truth through the changes life has brought. Continue to Flourish!

    • Gosh, Carol. I love that quote from “Tolstoy Lied.” It really is true of the relationship that Adrienne and I share. Let me tell you something else: she stands up to my b.s. which takes one tough broad!

  • Happy Anniversary to two of my most favorite people. You make me laugh and think. I feel your warmth and friendship across the miles. Thank you for being an example of humor, grace, patience and love. Endless bless yous. xoxo Kelly

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