September 19, 2019

Sunrise 9/14/19

Did clouds really get in my way?

First photo of the morning, 6:20 a.m.

On Saturday, September 14, I posted two photos on Facebook with the caption, “I’ve looked at cloud from both sides now . . .” — an instantly recognizable line from Joni Mitchell’s beloved song, “Both Sides Now.”

This was to my right . . .
I pivoted, and this was to my left; thus, “both sides now,” at 6:45 a.m.

About 10 months ago, I started to pay more serious attention to my surroundings on my weekend walks. The mornings had never been as cloudy as they were on September 14. “There is no hint of the sun, anywhere,” I thought. “That’s never happened before.” So I continued my walk. About 10 minutes later, I turned around to see where I had been . . . and saw this:

A seemingly perfect circle opened in the clouds for the sun to shine through.

Perhaps the clouds never got in my way. Perhaps I got in my way. Maybe I really don’t know clouds at all.


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