December 4, 2019

Please Stand By

Once upon a time, there was a writer who decided that enough was enough! It was time to get off her butt and post more spark and spitfire stuff on her blog. So she sat down, logged into her site and . . .

. . . was greeted with this ominous message:

Huh? PHP? “Programming language?”! What’s the matter with English? THEN, I get ANOTHER MESSAGE labeled, “FATAL ERROR”:

THEN, I get the message that my site has gone into “Recovery Mode.”

The last time I posted, I received a “Missed Schedule Error.”

So I am writing this to see if ANYTHING AT ALL IS STILL WORKING ON THIS SITE. In the meantime, I’m in Recovery Mode. Thank you for your forbearance.


  • Well, I got my email notification for this post, but only after I manually sent it. The timer thingy didn’t work two weeks ago when I published a post and still isn’t. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the mysterious “PHP” language, but this sort of thing drives me nuts. I’m just now recovering from purchasing a new iMac desktop and iPad Pro, then migrating all my information. How much does a woman have to put up with?

  • Sorry for all your technical woes and challenges. I have to hand it to you, Sharie, you have an enormous amount of technical stamina for hanging in there through all these glitches.

    I have absolutely no patience when my computer misbehaves. I react by hitting 3 keys, control, alt and delete, and then shut the blam thing off.

    May the technical force be with you. 🤓

    • Thank you, Merrie Lee. I’m assuming that you got the email notification which is heartening. Adrienne offered her expertise. Can she “speak” the PHP language? I hope so, but even then I’ll still be clenching my teeth, waiting for the next blip. GRRRR

  • I am with Merrie Lee. And my new mantra in life is officially: Shut the blam thing off.

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