Spark and Spitfire

Years of the Cicadas

Years of the Cicadas

For decades, the appearance of the 17-year cicadas was my life metaphor. Then I saw the light.

Rated X Brood X

Rated X Brood X

He cries out for her, she goes to him, they make wild, passionate love and then they die. Move over Shakespeare.

Whale Watch

Whale Watch

A sunrise can take you places, even deep into the sea.

Listening to Clouds

Listening to Clouds

Sometimes healing means returning to the same place and listening.

Hidden Monsters

Hidden Monsters

Be afraid. Be very afraid because it’s in there, waiting to surface again.

My First Hospital Admission

My First Hospital Admission

I recently learned two truths: One, experiencing heart attack symptoms is profoundly frightening; and two, mouth guards float.

Bag to Basics

Bag to Basics

Sometimes the solutions to your frustrations can be in the bag.

Ignite 3/5/2021

Ignite 3/5/2021

“If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?” — Lily Tomlin