Spark and Spitfire

Ignite — 2/3/23

Ignite — 2/3/23

“No man is lost at sea,” wrote Hemingway. Oh yeah?

Ignite — 1/27/23

Ignite — 1/27/23

God, Tom, scalding coffee, demons. Do they have ANYthing in common? A chuckle or two, perhaps?

Ignite 1/20/23

Ignite 1/20/23

The weekend approaches. Time to ignite a laugh or two.

“I Can At Least Write”

“I Can At Least Write”

The wisdom of a teenage writer in the 1940’s resonates even more eight decades later.

Adjusting My Focus

Adjusting My Focus

A plastic Target bag can hold a lot of hope and affirmation.