March 17, 2019

Luck O’the Irish Timed Test #2

What do “lepre-kittens” sleep on all day on St. Patrick’s Day?

That’s right! Pati O’Furniture!

Thank you for your forbearance for that joke and for the last of three post tests this morning. I have timed this particular post test to go live at 9:15 a.m. EST.

If you did not get a notification for the first test around 5:45 a.m. this morning which I published immediately or the second which was timed for 6 a.m. EST (but did not automatically send at that time from what my platform told me. I had to manually send it), or for this post, again, scheduled to go live at 9:15 a.m. EST . . . well, these glitches just don’t shame me, they SEAMUS all.


  • Based on very, very preliminary reports, it appears as though the email notifications for the scheduled posts work, but apparently not for the posts I published immediately . . .

    But SOMETHING is working.

  • Sorry, I was away for a while at church. The first notification came at 5:43, the second at 6:03, and the third at 9:18. Looks like all is good here. Except I can’t think of any Irish puns to zing back at you!

    • Thanks for posting this comment, Wendy. I haven’t heard from all my subscribers, but don’t want to assume everything is fixed. I don’t want to iron a four-leaf clover and press my luck.

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