Ten years ago today, my beloved feline, Isaac, left this sweet world. I miss him. He was such a good boy.

To the far left are the blue shoes I told Isaac he would get when he got to heaven. He seemed like such a boy to me! My sister, Merrie Lee, sent me those shoes. Isaac’s ashes are in the small starred box. Post-it prayers for beloveds’ pets are to the right.
And, of course, beloved Huckleberry — also no longer in this sweet world –looks over all from the back.
You haven’t heard from me for a while. I’m sad, laying low. More about my Christmas in the upcoming weeks. Love to all.
The last time I posted was almost a month ago, November 11. It had been so long that when I opened the Spark and Spitfire site early last evening, I discovered that the WordPress editing whatever had been updated to something referred to as Gutenberg or “Bebo” — “a flexible block-based content editor.” Needless to say, I had no idea (and still don’t) about how to navigate in this new editor; uncertainty I did not need at this time. I don’t know how, for example, to make text larger or smaller. Seems like it ought to be obvious. Thank you for your forbearance.
The orange neon cattie light that I purchased in honor of Isaac is now venting whatever gas lights up neon. It’s 10 years old, and it’s lit up the darkness most every night. I need to replace it. Sigh.
I love the picture of you holding Isaac up to your Christmas tree. My Timothy always liked hanging out under the Christmas tree. My tree skirt is still covered with his hair. Just can’t get myself to wash the skirt. I’m sorry you are so sad, Sharie. I hope the peace and grace of the season will help lift your spirits. I love you. xoxoxo
Dear friend, I am so sorry for your broken heart, broken light, broken dreams. There is nothing I can do to make it better, but I wish there was. I am here and I’m listening.
This holiday is a bit of a slippery slope for me, too, this year. The joyful message on our holiday card seemed so perfect when I ordered them, but now addressing them, I find myself asking, “Are you sure?”
My dear friend / yoga teacher mentor, Diane, is on home hospice care and dying. Others are in treatment or awaiting test results. Holiday music doesn’t make any of it better, but it helps and does lift my spirits.
None of my rambling is likely to make you feel any better, but know that you are not alone. I am holding your sadness with you.
Sharon Friend, your friend Beth says it all so well. I can only say “ditto” to her opening and closing paragraphs. I do want to add that I so appreciate and love your ongoing love for Isaac and the attention you continue to give to him in the Isaac space in your home and heart. Sad as you are at this point in time, you still shed light and love on all of us who are privileged to be a tiny part of your life.
I just learned that my friend, Diane, died “very peacefully” this morning at about 7:00 AM. Her daughter was in bed with her at the time and says “It was very peaceful, it was everything we could have asked for especially after all her suffering.” Love has wings today.
Sharon, I lift my heart to Isaac. I remember when a new person to your Christmas party saw the cat and exclaimed and started to move toward Isaac to pet him and the ENTIRE room inhaled simultaneously.
I remember your Christmas card with the verse from Psalm 18 about soaring. Yes Isaac is soaring.
Beth, I am sorry about your friend Diane and grateful that her farewell was peaceful. That is a consolation.