September 7, 2018

Ignite 9/7/18

The night before last, I overheard on cable news the term, “primeval fear.” Not “primal fear,” but “primeval fear.” The reference, as you might guess, was to the current occupant of the Oval Office.  I hadn’t heard the word, “primeval” for a while, and needless to say, it ignited this week’s cartoons.


  • I love the eyes of the dinosaur in the last cartoon. Also the clever idea of using an aspect of the benign hobby of knitting to tame a normally angry, unsettled beast. Perhaps a hobby for the wife of the current occupant of the Oval Office?

  • I love these cartoons, especially the last one. However, if I were the FLOTUS, I would wrap the yarn around the POTUS’ head to keep his sorry mouth shut.

  • Good laughs as always. Actually I appreciate the woman taking charge and dictating who will hunt and who will gather. Real wisdom there.

  • Because I’m preparing to receive a new grandson any day now, these cartoons got me to thinking about the role of cave grandmas. Then, insight! There were no cave grandmas given the lifespan and all. Back in the day, I wouldn’t have been a grandmother, I would have been dead! This caused me to feel grateful for a longer life. Thanks for the laughs, the insight and the gratitude!

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