September 28, 2018

Ignite 9/28/18

I didn’t sleep much last night. I am still so saddened by the suffering of two families wrought by the American carnage Trump vowed to end in his inaugural address, but which he continues to fuel over and over again.

Perhaps Ruth Marcus captures this best in the title of her latest Washington Post  editorial, “Ford’s testimony was devastating. Kavanaugh’s was volcanic.” Trump loves volcanic.

For the past eight hours I’ve been wrestling with what I found so unsettling about Kavanaugh’s tone and temperament — his combination of vulnerability and defiance. It reminded me of something I had seen many times, but I couldn’t place it. About 45 minutes ago, it came to me.

Kavanaugh’s performance was alarmingly similar to Colin Firth’s vulnerable and defiant portrayal of Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart, in the award-winning HBO movie, “Conspiracy” — a dramatic reenactment of actual transcripts of the Wannsee Conference that determined how best to implement the “Final Solution” for the Jews.

In 1936 Stuckart, as the chairman of the Reich Committee for the Protection of German Blood, together with Hans Globke, co-authored the government’s official Commentary on German Racial Legislation in elaboration of the Reich Citizenship and Blood Protection Laws. Halfway through the movie, “Conspiracy,” Stuckart who previously had been gracious and vulnerable explodes when a Nazi colleague wonders aloud if Stuckart has a “special love” for the Jews.  Steeped in indignation, Stuckart responds — yelling:

For whom? For Jews? Wonderful, you don’t have my credentials. Forgive me, from your uniform I can infer that you’re shallow, ignorant and naive about the Jews. Your line, what the party rants on about is how inferior they are, some-some-some sub-species, and I keep saying how wrong that is! They are sublimely clever. And they are intelligent as well. My indictments to that race are stronger and heavier because they are real, not uneducated ideology. They are arrogant and self-obsessed and calculating and reject the Christ and I will not have them pollute German blood!

He doesn’t understand! And neither do his people. Deal with the reality of the Jew and the world will applaud us. Treat them as imaginary phantoms, evil in human fantasies, and the world would have justified contempt for us! To kill them casually without regard for the law martyrs them, which will be their victory! Sterilization recognizes them as a part of our species but prevents them from being a part of our race. They’ll disappear soon enough. And we will have acted in defense of our race and of our species and by the law!

Stuckart’s unyielding and again, indignant, adherence to the law is a way not to protect the Jews, but rather to prop up his legal accomplishments.

This probably only makes sense to me, so forgive my indulgence. I’m trying to understand why I am so unsettled and sad; why this carnage has so debilitated my trust in American democracy, not to mention, my already flagging spirit.

Peace and love to all.


  • This doesn’t only make sense to you. I saw the movie, Conspiracy, and understand what you are saying about Colin Firth’s character. This morning I am at a loss for words to describe what has happened. Kavanaugh made Trump very proud yesterday. That statement alone says more than any words I can articulate. Peace and love to you, Sharie.

  • I am deeply sad as well. Too much to write. Just deeply, deeply sad and confused and angry. Spark and Spitfire is a good way of describing what yesterday’s events fueled inside me. As I read my own family member write things on social media that offend me to my core, I raced to reply then deleted it. What’s the use? Thoughtful dialogue to a human’s face where you can understand their pain is really the only way we will survive this.

  • I, too, was deeply unsettled by Kavanaugh’s vulnerability and aggressiveness. And I am very saddened that Flake and Cornyn are going to support him. Two things that especially troubled me were 1)his temperament–such aggressive anger in his self-defense, with so little concern for Blasey-Ford (and that coming through his 10-year old daughter’s prayers–can’t imagine that tearful moment wasn’t planned carefully–forgive my cynical snideness), and 2)his overt politicization of the hearing–shouldn’t a Supreme Court Judge be more balanced, not so overtly anti-one party or the other, even if he feels personally attacked? Thank you for all your coverage yesterday and for providing a space today to rant!

    • You aren’t being snide Carol about the 10-year-old daughter moment. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT BULLSHIT. Shame on him for abusing his daughter’s innocence . . . but I am not surprised.

  • Common sense has prevailed . . . at least for a week. The confirmation vote has been delayed a week for an FBI investigation. Kind of a stunning development, but Mitch McConnell must approve so who knows. But he needs 50 votes and won’t get Sen. Flake’s vote unless there is an investigation.

    I can’t help but wonder what kind of impact those protestors had on Sen. Flake. Maybe women really can speak truth to power.

  • You are not alone in any of the horror and sadness of this time in our nation’s history. I am sorry that you had to enter it already depressed as I cannot imagine the weight of your feeling.

    Kelly’s comment reminded me that earlier this week I “snoozed” my SISTER on Facebook, which means that I will not be seeing her uber offensive right-wing lies and her own hateful opinions posted in my feed for 30 days. It doesn’t sound like Kelly has done this with her relative and she inspired me to check my sister’s feed to see if I was being too harsh. Nope. My only sister will remain snoozed. It is more important that I protect our relationship and keep from HATING her, than it is for me to “listen” to her rant. That is the best kind of loving I can offer her for now.

    • So sorry about the need to “snooze” your only sister, Beth, but it sounds very healthy.

      The latest news has lifted my spirits a bit. I’m praying for a thorough investigation of the allegations against Kavanaugh, and that if the results aren’t to Trump’s liking, he won’t accuse that they were influenced by the infamous Deep State.

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