Last weekend, Adrienne and I took in the superlative exhibition, “Paris, 1874: The Impressionist Moment” at the National Art Gallery in downtown Washington, D.C. — thus the inspiration for posting these cartoons. Any particular one your favorite?





Cartoon #1 actually looks like Adrienne and me except she doesn’t sit down as often as I do when looking at art.
It’s hard to choose which one is my favorite — they are all so clever; but I have always been partial to cartoon #5. Do you know how many paintings — famous ones, mind you — are ONE SOLID COLOR? For example, here is a Robert Rauschenberg famous painting hanging at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art:
And here is the Wiki link to Rauschenberg:
I read the link so you don’t have to, but he famously stated that “painting relates to both art and life,” and he wanted to work “in the gap between the two.” Apparently that gap is white.
And don’t you think the caption in cartoon #4 is precisely the sort of pretentious thing a hoity-toity couple (obviously not very happy together) would say about a painting?
Oops! I am being WAY too harsh. This painting by artist Lisa Gay Wilson is entitled, “Black Spot on a White Page” and can be purchased as wall art for $14, sofa pillow for $19 and even a phone case for $22! Where does she get her ideas?!
Yes, all very clever. #5 is my favorite as well. It made me laugh and shake my head “yes” at the same time. I won’t be surprised if it has been done already.
Sharon, #3 has your name all over it.
I know #3 has my name all over it, Adrienne. I’m wondering now if this is a way to tell my story or if, in fact, the paintings depicted here ARE my story.
#3 so good!
Thanks for the laughs. They all poke fun at the pretentious art world. However I did laugh out loud with #5. I really like your Friday cartoon day.
Cartoon Friday is a nice break for me, too, Charlotte!
My favorite part of this post was your link to the show! Thank you. I love the impressionists and wish I could be transported to see it in person and not just digitally.
#2 made me smile – Art imitating life and vice versa.
Beth — wish you could have seen the exhibition, too. Just stunning . . . and Adrienne already knew so much about the paintings and artists. I felt like I had my own person docent.