“My therapist told me that a great way to get rid of my anger is to write letters to the people I hate and then burn them. I did that, and now I don’t know what to do with the letters.”
I came across the above quote yesterday and thought, you know, sometimes you just gotta bitch. Complain. Whine. Be sarcastic. Then leave this sweet world with your personality fully intact.

I don’t know what it is about the last cartoon in this post, but I laughed out loud when I first saw it. It made me wonder what my last words would be . . . something like, “Take good care of my New Yorker cartoons”?
I too laughed out loud when I read the last one.
I have to also say that the cat cartoon is not as much funny, as it is true. The name Scout comes to mind.
Adrienne—both catties are sleeping next to me on the couch. I don’t want to get up and get breakfast because, as you know, Scout follows anyone who walks into kitchen, then sits there and stares. “I’m waiting . . .”, she is thinking. “I’ve got napping to do. FEED ME!” like that carnivorous plant in “Little Shop of Horrors.”
My favorite is the first one–cookie or no cookie. How much time and energy I can waste worrying about the most insignificant things! Thanks for a good chuckle to start this Friday!
You’re very welcome, Carol.
These cartoons are great. I especially liked the cat cartoon. A long time ago, I had a cat named Muffin. We had a drop ceiling in our laundry room. We had taken a ceiling tile out to fix a leak or something and hadn’t put it back. One day Muffin jumped up into the ceiling and I couldn’t find her anywhere. I was in a serious panic mode. I thought I’d never see her again. Then I thought, “Go grab the can opener and a can of tuna.” Lo and behold, Muffin appeared at the opening in the ceiling within seconds. I think I astonished her that day! xoxoxo
How in theeeee hell did Muffin jump into the ceiling? Pole vault, perhaps, but according to the current occupant of the Oval Office a pole vaulter would not be able to scale his sacred wall.
Uh-oh — now I did it. I mentioned the President and now I have to go back to bed.
Love that therapist quote! I need to use that.
I like this one, too: Before diagnosing someone with depression, make sure they’re not surrounded by assholes.
Okay, Kelly, I’ll take your bait since I’m heading for bed, any way: the current occupant of the Oval Office is surrounded by assholes. What’s his diagnosis?
The entire Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Well-played, Kelly. I’m assuming ALL FOUR PRIOR VOLUMES AS WELL?
Sharie, the washer and dryer were in that room. Muffin jumped on top of the washer and then took a leap to the opening in the ceiling. Maybe Muffin needed to hide so she could telephone a foreign dignitary to conduct some shady business without the threat of a whistle blower. Just saying………………
Merrie Lee — in response, I am so tempted to refer to Muffin, your cattie, as a sweet p***y, but that would just be too obvious😬🙁.
Never too late in the day for a laugh. Wonderful to come home to your cartoon showcase. Thanks
Sharie – your comment gave me a major belly laugh! Thank you! 😂❤️