September 14, 2018

Ignite 9/14/18

Given the revelations of the book I am currently reading (see yesterday’s post); a book that has already sold a million copies, I wondered if my cartoon files had anything on corporate greed and perfidy.  I mean, could anything be funny about that?  Not really, as the following cartoons attest:

[CAPTION — because it is hard to read: “Johnson, look at the lilies of the field. They neither spin nor toil. Fire them.”]

“And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon is all his glory was not clothed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:28)

“For you always have the poor with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you wish . . . .”  (Mark 14:7)



  • I recall an incident several years ago when I worked for The Rich Man in Orlando that deftly combines today’s “Ignite” theme with the current news about Hurricane Florence. Hurricane Charley (I believe that was its name) was bearing down on Orlando. His executive assistant shared with me how The Rich Man dressed her down because she was unable to get a top-floor two-bedroom suite on a lower floor at a swanky downtown hotel where he could ride out the storm because his neighborhood was probably going to lose power. She was only able to obtain a one-bedroom with a sitting room . . . for him. The rest of his family — including his wife, ailing mother and three of his five children — were housed in a local Best Western.

    Oh, the humanity! The humanity!

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