August 9, 2024

Ignite — 8/9/24



  • A month ago, I began to work with a professional writing coach who told me that I was the “most curmudgeonly and stubborn client” she has ever had. She said lovely things as well, but I am sharing this parTICular feedback to explain my choice of tunnels.

  • Well, I might join you in the peace & quiet if you have to go through the tunnel of love with a therapist or the LOL tunnel with clowns! Does being skeptical and resistant to change make a person curmudgeonly? Maybe so. I’m more of a go with the flow kind of gal and as a result, I sometimes end up in the wrong tunnel!

  • Sharon, I would choose the Tunnel of Love, simply because with love you can enjoy the rest. Without love, you really can’t enjoy the other things life brings your way. I hope you are staying safe & feeling loved not only today, but always!

    PS: This was a good question for today.

    • Laura—you see that this particular Tunnel of Love features couples therapy, right? My experience is that this kind of Tunnel of Love DOES make love better, so you may be on to something!

  • Me: the Tunnel of LOL

    The 3rd one is so my father. When we would ask what he wanted for his birthday or Father’s Day, he would respond: “Peace and quiet!” Ironically, he was the loudest one in the family.

  • I agree with Adrienne–peace and quiet is so my Father. As laughter I have to go with the couple and the therapist–probably my former profession–look at the guy with his arms folded. Thanks for the laugh Dear One.

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