August 31, 2018

Ignite 8/31/18

My annual physical is scheduled for 9 a.m. today. Those of you who know me, know that — like my mother — I HATE ALL THINGS MEDICAL. Unlike her, however, I faithfully show up for my annual appointments.  My attitude the past few days ignited the theme for this week’s cartoons.


  • I’ve been fasting since around 6 p.m. yesterday. Drinking only water and lots of it since 6 p.m. the day before.

    I have a new G.P. The one I had for nearly 30 years retired. Yes, that’s how old I am. This new G.P. has a good reputation, but I hope he’s not one of those medical professionals who needs to test every damn thing.

    I typed up my health history and will bring my health notebook, where I keep copies of all my blood, mammo, bone density and other medical tests over the past 15 years. Yes, I am a bit of a hypochondriac.

  • You do all you can to live a healthy and active lifestyle. There is only so much you can do, but I understand your anxiety. And a new doctor doesn’t help, but he has a very good reputation.

    The last cartoon makes me laugh out loud every time.

    • Thank you, Adrienne. I’ll let you all know how it goes. The last cartoon is my favorite, too.

      I checked in on Pat, by the way. She/he had her/his back to me. Is waiting for news from my physical.

  • I got back from my physical about 30 minutes ago. I LOVE my new GP. He couldn’t have been nicer, or good-humored. He checked out the basic things (heart, lungs, lymph nodes, etc.) but after reviewing my history (which I had detailed on a 4-page document) decided that I ought to go off of the medication I take for high blood pressure (“not when you’re walking 40-plus miles a week”), didn’t need a sample of you-know-what, gave me a flu shot as well as a shot for pneumonia, decided against the shingles vaccine (“If you’ve had shingles twice, there’s only a 5% chance you’ll get them again”) and then offered some perspective on neuromuscular diseases that have stricken so many members of my immediate family — “There are not many tests for Parkinson’s, Alzheimers and MS until symptoms appear.” Sigh. Bottom line, he said, “You’re going to live until lunchtime, so I recommend you get some lunch now.”

    Seriously, though, he said I was very healthy for a 65-year-old. Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers.

  • Amen! Glad your doc is both thorough and cheerful. Do you remember back in the day when we were told our health was great without the tag line “for your age.” I know it’s the truth, but I’m not so sure that I need the reminder every year.

    • Yes, I remember that day. Another sigh. I don’t want ANY of my beloveds to die before I do. Seriously, I don’t.

      Interestingly, my new GP said this morning that he didn’t fear death nearly as much as he feared profound disability, i.e. Stage Four/Five of nearly any disease. I get it on some level.

      You know, I simply can’t believe that I’m 65 years old. When did THAT happen?

  • OK I finally figured out how to recover the blog from junk mail. I do not want to hear any gripping about aging, I have invested in you–younger person– with the clear intention that YOU will take care of ME!!

    • Thank you for your comment, Charlotte, but trust me, I’m not gripping anything about aging. Given your misspelling of “gripe,” I can see why you are going to need some assistance in a few years. xoxo

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