August 30, 2024

Ignite — 8/30/24

My last post featured musings about hell. So what about heaven? What awaits us? The five cartoons below may provide a clue. Which cartoon comes closest to what you think you might encounter in heaven?







  • I really like all of these cartoons because all of them ended up filed under “Religion/Philosophy” in my proprietary cartoon file (organized alphabetically by topic — the first category, e.g., is “Art”).

    All to say, my mood at the moment tends to dictate which cartoon speaks most to me. And, at the moment, that is cartoon #4. I’m not in heaven yet, but you can bet that I’ll have a lot of questions . . . and that God will answer them in some way that will make me and/or Her laugh.

    It may also be the case that when I arrive in heaven, Dana Bash of CNN will be in the middle of an interview with God.

  • This just in: my blog platform just informed me that Spark and Spitfire has passed 100,000 all-time views. I don’t pay much attention to milestones such as these, but cartoon #3 best illustrates how I felt at the moment I learned about this milestone.

    A glass of Tawny Port for everyone!

  • Hello Sharon,
    All of the cartoons are good. Being the optimist that I am, I like #3. I feel kind of upbeat knowing that at the end of my life I’ll be crossing a finish line, & have someone marking that achievement. After all, it IS the finish line to our race for life, isn’t it?
    Thanks for giving me the impetus to think positively about death this morning.

    • Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Laura. Yes, you are an optimist which the world always needs.

      I, too, like cartoon #3, but I imagine myself crawling/dragging my sorry ass across the finish line with God saying, “You’ve got some ‘splaining to do”!

  • Loved all the cartoons and I had an outward laugh with “You’re dead.” That comment sounds like an interpretation I would need. I would be thinking, “What happened?” Then the lady would explain. Glad to see I would be wearing wings!!

    • Charlotte: congrats on a comment that does justice to cartoon #5! I liked that cartoon very much as well and laughed aloud the first time I saw it. The true test of a funny cartoon. All to say, that I laughed aloud when I read your comment!❤️

  • #4 & #5 were pretty much tied, but # 5 made me laugh out loud. So #5 is the winner!

    #2 is too exact to make fun of.
    #3, well, I am not that excited to cross the finish line.
    #1, my least favorite.

    Still a great post that made me smile…and laugh.

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