August 23, 2019

Ignite 8/23/19

El Paso. Dayton. “The Chosen One.” Children in detention. The Amazon on fire. Not much to laugh about these days . . .


  • Sorry that these cartoons will make you want to cry rather than laugh.

    I’m so weary of the current occupant of the Oval Office. I stopped watching, “Morning Joe.” I try not to devour all of the news. I am reading more poetry, reading more, period, walking longer, but still, there he is. There. He. Is.

    How are citizens struggling with worse depression than mine coping with this clear and present danger to the world?

  • Well, there you have it. The POTUS and I agree on something. I think the Bible is very special, too! Oh, my.

  • To add to the bleakness of today, I started watching “The Family” on Netflix last evening. Based on a book by writer/reporter Jeff Scarlet, it tells the story of a not-so-visible, but powerful, elite of fundamentalist leaders who wield a great deal of influence in the political world and teach some scary stuff to interns whom they train at a lush mansion in the East. Two of their “teachings” jumped out–1)that Jesus was a powerful man like Hitler, Mao, Lenin,” etc., and 2)that if a man (definitely hierarchical group) is “the chosen,” like King David of the OT, that man’s faults can be easily overlooked, because God has chosen him for a particular mission. They seem to overlook the prophet Nathan’s rebuke of David, and David’s repentance! Don’t think T- was ever an intern there, but suspect The Family is exerting a good deal of non-biblical “biblical” influence over him. Scary!

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