August 17, 2018

Ignite 8/17/18

Who’s the person NOT on Facebook, but still remembers your birthday?  That’s right — grandma! Grandmothers keep us happy (and fed) . . . and in the case of this week’s cartoons . . . laughing.


  • Apologies to the grandmothers who regularly read Spark and Spitfire. I know that you aren’t AT ALL like the grandmothers depicted here. Yesterday, I read the short story, “The Starlight of Idaho,” by Denis Johnson (in “The Largesse of the Sea Maiden”) and the grandmother in that story is, well, someone who’d give you a cookie and then tell you to get the hell out of here. Guess that was on my mind.

  • One more thing — what can you say about a collector of cartoons who actually has a file on the subject of grandmothers? Needless to say, it doesn’t have nearly as many cartoons as the file this collector has on the subject of mothers. (I guess the last cartoon here could have been filed under “Mothers,” but, alas, not much room left in that file.)

  • Very funny stuff, Sharie. The second cartoon reminded me of something I used to say to my boys that would make them squeal with laughter. They’d come up to me for a big squishy hug, and I was delighted to provide one along with telling them how much I loved them. Then I’d immediately say, “Now beat it!” Of course, I didn’t mean it, and they knew it. They just knew their mama was a bit cuckoo!

  • Well! See if you get any grandma cupcakes from me! But…when you have an hour or two, I’d love to tell you about the swellings in my sinuses, and if you’re good, I’ll even tell you about my bunions!

  • That second cartoon is clearly signed by “Mueller” —
    Is he trying to send a message from inside the investigation?
    Does the cookie represent Fake News?
    Is he dropping crumbs about the Russia probe?
    Did Omarose hide a tape recorder in that cookie?

    • OMG, Kelly, you are right! Has this blog been hacked by Russians and Mueller already knows about it? Is this a TOTAL HOAX? A RIGGED WITCH HUNT? Our A.G. is scared stiff and Missing in Action. What about Crooked Hillary, Lowlife, Christopher Steele, Wacky Omarosa (that dog)? NO COLLUSION!

      By the way, tariffs are coming along nicely, African-American and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest its ever been since the beginning of time. And thank you, Kanye, for saying GREAT things about me!

      Let’s Make Spark and Spitfire Great Again!

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