July 27, 2018

Ignite 7/27/18

It’s Friday and time again to end the week by igniting laughter!

This week’s cartoons have a similar theme. Can you guess what it is?  If you can’t, perhaps you need some professional help. Perhaps you need to see a . . .

Which cartoon is your favorite and why?

Some of you may have noticed that I have shortened the title (and category) of this weekly post to simply “Ignite” rather than “Ignite Laughter.” I hope that this does not ignite a new round of technical glitches.


  • Well, so far, so good, on my end. I received the official administrator notification that all post notification emails were successfully sent to my thousands and thousands of subscribers. But, inquiring minds want to know if these emails ended up in spam. Wires crossed!

  • My favorite is the third cartoon. One of the items on my bucket list is to wear a beret set at a jaunty angle. I believe this will have a significant impact on my diagnosis of double depression, although none of my therapists ever recommended it.

  • It is hard to pick a favorite. I liked them all. However, if I have to pick my favorite, I’m going with the last cartoon. Why – I don’t really know. As I ponder this, my thoughts go to how sometimes you really never get the closure you want during your life. I don’t think I’ll write it in my will for my children to take me to my therapist before I head north to the big man upstairs, but this cartoon definitely put a smile on my face. Keep these “Ignite” posts coming – I really enjoy them.

  • Of all your thousands and thousands of subscribers, I’m the one you least need to ask which cartoon is my favorite. And I can definitely see you rocking a jaunty beret. Also – my notification came to my regular inbox.

  • Wendy — of course I know which one would be your favorite. Kind of clever, however, to follow that huge image on the couch with the small one in the next cartoon, no?

    ML — where would any of us be without laughter . . . or closure, for that matter? Laughter is easier to come by, however, and maybe even a bit more healing than closure. I’ll keep igniting your Fridays!

  • Oh, hands down, No. 1. Just so damn funny. And the way the cartoonist captures the look in the elephant’s eyes. He just nails it!

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