“Flannery O’Connor said that anyone who has survived childhood has enough material to write for the rest of his or her life. Maybe your childhood was grim and horrible, but grim and horrible is okay if it is well done. Don’t worry about doing it well yet, though. Just get it down.” — Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Adrienne has been gone all week in San Diego for her job and won’t be home until late Sunday afternoon. So yeah, I’m lonely.
I have a bone density test at 9:30. The last time I had one in 2014, I scored 121% which is pretty damn good for a broad my age. We’ll see how I do this time.
Sorry to be so newsy. I haven’t heard my voice this morning except to say “Hello” to the catties. Long story short.
It’s good to be greeted by your voice this morning. The last bone density test I had didn’t use percentages anymore in the report. I was disappointed. Wishing you great results.
Great advice from Ann Lamott, “Just get it down.”
Beth — no results today, I guess. But I did it! And now on to writing exercises! FaceTime soon.
Love these! And hope all goes well with that bone density test. Maybe you could send a little density my way?
I just got the results of my knee x-rays, and I sure hope my bone density test results are better:
“There is significant osteoarthritis of your knees, left greater than your right. You may want to see an orthopedic surgeon for hyaluronic acid injections.”
Well, back to my orthopedist.