April 5, 2019

Ignite 4/5/19

THERAPIST: What’s upsetting you? WIFE: He’s always using common phrases incorrectly. HUSBAND: Cry me a table, honey.


  • I love the middle one! My notification came to my regular inbox, so all’s well on this end. Sorry your aggravation is continuing.

    • Thanks, Wendy, for letting me know that your notification showed up in your regular inbox. Thanks, too, for your empathy. Frankly, when it comes to this damn plug-in, I feel like I’m wearing a sign on my back that says, “KICK ME.”

  • As an art lover, I need to select the second cartoon as my favorite this week.

    • Adrienne, I knew you would love the second one. Just ain’t the same message if the Mona Lisa was in couples therapy with Death. She wouldn’t have that sly smile, right? Unless she knew something that Death didn’t know.

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