April 12, 2019

Ignite 4/12/19

“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” — Groucho Marx


  • Yesterday was National Pet Day, thus the theme of this week’s cartoons.

    Huckleberry — Adrienne’s dog (I was his favorite Aunt) — began his companionship with her at the beginning of April 2005. I often miss him on my walks.

  • I am weary of sending out email post notifications and am assuming that many of you won’t know about this post.

    My post notification appeared in my junk/spam box AGAIN. This crap is so disempowering.

    • The first & third cartoons are part of my refrigerator display. The second is very funny!

      Thanks for the shout-out about Huck. A great dog who never seemed to be tired of walking & exploring new territory.

      Tomorrow is Record Store Day. Go and buy some vinyl!

      Got my notification in my in box. All is well.

  • Thanks for your comment, Adrienne — and for letting me know that you got your notification and where.

    I’d like to give a big shout-out to all the dogs I’ve befriended on my daily walks: Molly, Biff, Zoey, Molly, Jr., Leia, Max, Annie, Mac, Zach, Annie, Eva, Shiloh, Snow, Smokey, Pearl, Roxanne, Tooey, Anya . . . I know I’ve forgotten about a dozen more. But here’s to these canines and the biscuits I keep in stock to cheer up their day — and mine.

  • Notification came through just fine. Thanks for more good chuckles on a very gray, damp day!

  • As always, your post is hilarious. I got a good laugh from them. You sure have befriended a lot of dogs, Sharie! That is really cool! I know they can’t wait to see you. I’m so happy to hear that your leg is getting back to normal. I know your doggie friends will be pleased to see you again. xoxoxo

    • Merrie Lee — the leg is not quite up to normal, but it’s doing a lot better. Today, I saw Annie — a very ancient, completely blind and deaf bloodhound. When I was half a block away, I heard her bark — she recognized my smell! Sometimes it pays not to shower!

  • “Leave the toilet” reminds me of my dogs of old. Diesel, our current dog, is waaaay too dignified to even consider the toilet for a drink.

    Unfortunately, I’m weighing in late because I just found the post notification in my junk mail box. Sorry for your frustration, but thanks for celebrating dogs!

    • Love your Diesel.

      Looks like those of us with Mac, iCloud or any email address associated with Apple had post notifications wind up in spam/junk. Be sure to mark it “not junk,” but I have no confidence that notifications won’t wind up in spam/junk again. Sigh.

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