March 5, 2021

Ignite 3/5/2021

“If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?” — Lily Tomlin


  • The theme of this post was inspired by an article a friend posted on Facebook yesterday written by her 61-year-old therapist colleague. Her friend was worried that she had become too old for her younger 48-year-old husband. They have been married for 20 years. Her advice was to ask for the affirmation you needed. The article reminded me of a conversation I recently had with Adrienne:

    SHARON [to Adrienne]: I looked in the mirror this morning, and I look so old.
    ADRIENNE: You aren’t old.
    SHARON: But I’m going to be 68 in a couple of months. Look at me. Be honest — I’m 10 years older than you — when you look at me you see an old woman, right?
    ADRIENNE: I do not. I see a pain in the ass.

    Ah, the tunnel of whale guts!

    • Charlotte—ain’t that the truth?

      I ought to compile my exchanges with Adrienne into a book entitled something like: “The Wit and Wisdom of I-Really-Don’t-Care-if-You-Read-This-Adrienne”.

  • A good selection, so it’s difficult to choose. However, the second cartoon, “What do you want for dinner?”, in my experience should be changed to “What are we having for dinner?” The reply would remain, “I don’t know.”

    Welcome to my world.

  • I needed this laugh today, which started out with a Senate Committee hearing at 8:00 AM on a bill to outlaw gun free zones. It passed, of course, in spite of the fact that most all the public testimony was against it. The struggle is real in conservative states and it continues! Thanks!

    • You’re welcome, Beth.

      Sorry about the sorry legislators in your sorry legislature. I don’t know where you get the patience to show up and listen to the bullshit these sorry people hurl your way in response to thoughtful public testimony. Thank you, though, on behalf of us who are behind you all the way. xoxo

  • I have to agree with Charlotte on this one. Thanks to both you and Adrienne for the chuckles today.

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