March 1, 2019

Ignite 3/1/19

It’s been said that a good man is hard to find . . .


  • These are great, Sharie. I howled when I saw the last one! Are these filed under “Where’s Waldo” or do you have another unique label for the file? I think it is pretty cool you have saved all these cartoons over the years. I look forward to your Friday Ignite posts. xoxoxo

    • Thanks, Merrie Lee. I do not have a “Where’s Waldo” file. These cartoons came from three separate cartoon files, among a dozen that I maintain: “Parents/children,” “Jobs/corporate America,” and “Sex.” Takes a while to find them, but I see one and think, “Hmmm, isn’t there another one about Waldo in some other file?”

      I could be spending my time doing crazier things. I just like to laugh.

  • Oh my gosh. I actually owned Where’s Waldo books and spent TIME trying to find Waldo. I laugh at the cartoons, but yikes!!

  • I somehow missed out on Waldo and know of him only by hearsay. I’m with Adrienne–the last one is my favorite. Fun!

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