February 22, 2019

Ignite 2/22/19

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall . . .”


  • I collected these cartoons by the same cartoonist over a period of 14 years. The first one appeared in the New Yorker in 2004 and the fourth one some time — fittingly — during the Trump administration.

  • The first one made me smirk. The man waiting with the alcohol knows what’s to come.

    The fourth one is the most appropriate considering the current clown in the White House.

    Imagine how many varieties/possibilities this cartoonist has sketched on this single sign. A difficult challenge.

  • These are great. I Googled C. Barsotti (and found out it’s Charles), clicked on “More images” and skimmed through a ton more of his cartoons. I only saw one other “Truth” one that you didn’t have, but his dog ones are really sweet.

    • Wow — a comment from Wendy! Thank you, and thanks for doing the Barsotti research. I checked my “Pets/Animals” New Yorker cartoon file and found a couple of those dog ones. Perhaps I’ll post them in the future. And yes, they are very sweet.

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