February 15, 2019

Ignite 2/15/19

The day after Valentine’s Day . . .


  • Yikes, Sharie, these cartoons are really dark. Not quite sure how to comment on them. The temperature here will be 54 today. The sun is shining brightly. I hope you enjoy the sunny light. I love you. xoxoxo

    • Merrie Lee — Adrienne texted me earlier this morning and said that I had an “odd sense of humor.”

      Interesting that you use the adjective “dark.” Last weekend, a Comcast tech was here to fix my On Demand whatever, and in the process, saw the history of what I watch on On Demand.

      “Man, you’re dark,” he said.

      The temperature here will be around 60, and I will be walking. The sun will be shining despite the storm clouds that continuously and oppressively emanate from the Oval Office. This President depresses the hell out of me.

  • Okay, people. I just got back from a beautiful walk on a beautiful day. I did not hit anyone with a bat or toss gasoline on anyone or bury anyone in my backyard.

    Things are looking up.

  • Before I walked, however, I did watch the President’s rambling, idiotic press conference about declaring a national emergency. It’s so unbelievable that he is the “leader” of the free world.

  • Man, oh, man, compared to the saccharine sweet tripe which tends to emanate from traditional Valentines, I found this positively refreshing! However, if I were your partner … I might be a tad concerned!

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