November 2, 2018

Ignite 11/2/18

“I want something from Daddy that he is not able to give me . . . . It is only that I long for Daddy’s real love: not only as his child, but for me — Anne, myself.” — Anne Frank (1942) Diary of a Young Girl (1952)





  • These cartoons were funny, if not ironic, to me at one time. I came across them this week in my “Parents” cartoon file. Perhaps they stood out to me because tomorrow morning, Adrienne and I are driving to Central Pennsylvania to visit my father and my youngest sister.

    My father has never visited me in ANY of my homes. NEVER. He continues to whine about moving back to Florida, but never mentions when he might visit me. I doubt he ever will.

    I’ve been working all week to discipline myself to make this visit all about him. Even when I’m standing in front of him, I doubt he sees or hears me.

  • I truly am sorry Dad has never visited you in any of your homes. There are no words for reasoning with that – none at all. I can’t wait to see you and Adrienne tomorrow morning. I hope that you’ll be able to have a nice, peaceful time despite the difficulties surrounding your relationship with Dad. I love you very much. xoxoxo

  • Thanks for visiting your dad. It’s been over six years now since my last visit with a parent. Hard to believe sometimes that I am now the parent the children come to visit.

    We are heading out tomorrow as well, to our nephew’s destination wedding in Tulum, Mexico. I’m not ready to go at all, but I will be by tomorrow!

    Happy Trails to you, my friend.

    • Forgive my selfishness, Beth, but the first thing I thought when I read your comment was this: you and Paul are traveling to MEXICO for the wedding of a NEPHEW, but my father can’t travel 100 miles to visit a DAUGHTER.

  • I get it. My siblings and I are not good about visiting each other’s homes, but we find ways to show up for each other.

    Your dad, on the other hand, seems to practice living life on his terms and his turf. It’s surely both a control issue and an empathy deficit. Sorry.

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