It’s Friday, the 13th . . . a tough day during a tough time. But wait, there’s good news! Don’t let on because this is a surprise . . . it’s my youngest sister’s BIRTHDAY!

It’s Friday, the 13th . . . a tough day during a tough time. But wait, there’s good news! Don’t let on because this is a surprise . . . it’s my youngest sister’s BIRTHDAY!
To be clear, none of these cartoons are meant as birthday messages to my sister, Merrie Lee, but more messages to all of us. I suspect that there are many days during this “unprecedented time” (a phrase that is now as cliche as “at the end of the day”), we all feel like these cartoons.
Good Very Early Morning, Sharie. I was up just as your Spark and Spitfire email arrived. I am honored to be mentioned in your first post in a very long time. The first cartoon is funny, yet a reminder of the tough times we are in and will continue to be in as this brutal pandemic explodes across our country. I am also relating to that ostrich and the level of the news it can handle. I’m at the same level, but if it gets any worse, I’ll continue to thank God for my numerous blessings which include the birth of my first grandbaby, Louie; switch my television channel from the news to a Hallmark Christmas movie or QVC’s “ In the Kitchen with David” in order to give myself a much-needed break from reality. In any case, I am very grateful to celebrate 63 years today with the love of my family and friends. Thank you, Sharie, for providing many light-hearted and special moments during a tumultuous year. Here’s to many more. 💜🥂🎂🎈💜
I was wondering if you were up. I woke up at 2:45 or so, and just stayed up, reading the most recent and more and more perilous COVID stats. 159,000 cases just yesterday — the 9th day in a row that daily new cases have been above 100,000. I wonder when I’ll see you, Dad, Laurie or Paul again . . . Or for that matter, ANY of my beloveds.😕
I confess that I’ve come to like watching the Christmas shows on QVC, if for nothing else, the festive sets. I typically keep it muted in the background while continuing to read the massive 3-volume history of the Nazis by Richard Evans. I’m in the middle of volume 2. I know, I know, only Sharon would have QVC in the background while reading about the Third Reich. 😐
You have to admit, however, that it’s impossible for a dish towel to ever be clean AGAIN.
Well, we can have the dirty towel ingest bleach or Lysol for a deep cleansing. “Can we look into that?”
Sarah Cooper, step aside! Good one, Merrie Lee!
I want you all to know that I plan to post on Spark and Spitfire on a more regular basis. I have the time; not necessarily the confidence, but I do have the time whether I like it or not. Long story.
Stay tuned.
(Look for a new — and rare — Saturday post tomorrow.)
Happy Birthday, Merrie Lee. A strange year but Louie makes up for it all. He is a little cutie.
And oddly, I find the second cartoon very funny.
Welcome Back! So good–and fun!–to have you back at it. You brighten the days.
Thank you, dear Carol. Pray that I sustain my determination to fuel Spark and Spitfire. 🙏❤️
And can I just state the obvious… only Sharon can locate a cartoon about COVID-19.
Yes, only Sharon. But can she locate a cartoon about the Third Reich?
Beth — the challenge is on!
Happy Birthday, Merrie Lee! Thanks for inspiring your big sis to post in your honor! I need to invest in Hallmark. I cannot believe the number of friends I have confessing they are escaping the news by watching the Hallmark Channel. It may be the ONE thing that is bringing Republicans and Democrats together!
Happy Belated B’day Merrie Lee! Just catching up on this fun post and hilarious responses 🙂