October 5, 2018

Ignite 10/5/18

At the time of this writing, I am recovering from a colonoscopy and on the television downstairs, I can hear Republican members of the Judiciary Committee opining about the “fairness of this process” — the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime term on the United States Supreme Court. Needless to say, the events of this week ignited this week’s cartoons.  (By the way, why are SIX WHITE STRAIGHT MEN, THREE OVER EIGHTY YEARS OLD, THE ONLY ONES OPINING?)



  • These cartoons are right on the razor’s edge of laughing/crying. I would like to think that we are watching the dying thrashing of while male domination—???

  • I shared your question as to why only 6 white males were the ones “opining.” Did it not even occur to them to have a “token woman” stand with them? How can they so not get it?!

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