The cartoonist most represented in my infamous cartoon file is the quirky, brilliant Roz Chast who once observed: “I think with a lot of things — at the time, everything is extremely upsetting, and then you look back on it, and it actually can be sort of funny.”

That’s me in the first cartoon.
I love Friday mornings and your cartoons. I’m with you on the first cartoon and I laughed out loud about waiting for the walk sign.
Thanks for a laugh in dark times.
You’re welcome, Charlotte. I honestly believe that humor, among a handful of other things, has kept me tethered to this sweet, but dark world.
Oh, and thanks for sharing the sofa in the first cartoon with me!
I LOVE Roz Chast. I’ve read “Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?” and “Going Into Town,” and of course enjoy her cartoons in The New Yorker. Thanks to this post, I looked her up in our library system and found a bunch more books she’s either written or illustrated, so now I can dive into more.
Wendy — how didn’t I know that you LOVE Roz Chast?! I have her books as well. I believe that “Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?” was short-listed for either a National Book Award or a Pulitzer . . . not sure. In any event, her books are as quirky and brilliant as her cartoons. I should feature Rox at last once every other month in these Friday “Ignite” posts.
Thanks for your comment! Love you more than Rox Chast!
OMG! The 1st one is Sharon!
The 3rd one represents me, especially yesterday. I pushed it several times. The light changed but did alert me it was ok to cross. Waited a second go-around, when it happened again. Needless to say I crossed by zigzagging through the stooped traffic. Obviously I made it out alive.