January 24, 2020

Ignite 1/24/2020

The cartoonist most represented in my infamous cartoon file is the quirky, brilliant Roz Chast who once observed: “I think with a lot of things — at the time, everything is extremely upsetting, and then you look back on it, and it actually can be sort of funny.”


  • I love Friday mornings and your cartoons. I’m with you on the first cartoon and I laughed out loud about waiting for the walk sign.

    Thanks for a laugh in dark times.

    • You’re welcome, Charlotte. I honestly believe that humor, among a handful of other things, has kept me tethered to this sweet, but dark world.

      Oh, and thanks for sharing the sofa in the first cartoon with me!

  • I LOVE Roz Chast. I’ve read “Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?” and “Going Into Town,” and of course enjoy her cartoons in The New Yorker. Thanks to this post, I looked her up in our library system and found a bunch more books she’s either written or illustrated, so now I can dive into more.

    • Wendy — how didn’t I know that you LOVE Roz Chast?! I have her books as well. I believe that “Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?” was short-listed for either a National Book Award or a Pulitzer . . . not sure. In any event, her books are as quirky and brilliant as her cartoons. I should feature Rox at last once every other month in these Friday “Ignite” posts.

      Thanks for your comment! Love you more than Rox Chast!

  • OMG! The 1st one is Sharon!
    The 3rd one represents me, especially yesterday. I pushed it several times. The light changed but did alert me it was ok to cross. Waited a second go-around, when it happened again. Needless to say I crossed by zigzagging through the stooped traffic. Obviously I made it out alive.

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