January 20, 2023

Ignite 1/20/23

When I was posting on a regular basis (which I hope to revive), I usually published “Ignite” posts on Fridays featuring cartoons from my proprietary cartoon collection. My goal was to ignite laughter that would spark energy that would propel us through the weekend. I may have posted one or two of the cartoons featured here in the past, but what the hey, they made me laugh all over again yesterday.

Which one is your favorite and why?


  • Sorry if I’ve published a couple of the cartoons featured here in previous “Ignite” posts over the last few years.

    Gotta say that the adjective “yappy”, the accordion, the look on that woman’s face, not to mention the look on the mutt, hook me every time when I look at the last cartoon.

  • What are we to make of the piece of pie on the vanity and the lit stick of dynamite (bottom right corner right above the caption) in the second cartoon?

    RE: Cartoon #3 — it’s the cup of coffee that made me hoot, er, howl.

  • The squirrel gets my vote. The look on his face (what so many of us feel at times in this bewildering world!) and the perfect description of how they move through life!

  • They are all funny. Must admit the dynamite is a puzzle. Really loved the squirrel crossing the street. I don’t know why there are not 1,000’s more dead squirrels in the road.

  • They are all quite funny & realistic. I especially like “Take your time” (#3), because dogs will often act like this when you are in a hurry to finish the walk. It’s a great drawing of what some dogs must think when they just won’t move. It happened to me many times, so it’s very funny!

    • Thanks for your comment, Laura — and cartoon #3 is indeed funny for the reasons you state.

      I don’t believe that you’ve ever commented here before, and I’m grateful to add your voice to Spark and Spitfire!

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