February 7, 2020

Ignite 02/07/2020

“If you only pray when you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble.” Good Lord, we’re in trouble.


  • Good heavens! Are you safe now? We’re in full winter mode here, with freezing rain previously and now snow. I love the last cartoon. I have a cartoon I saved long ago that shows God at His computer, about to hit the “SMITE” key.

    • I thought the same thing about the last cartoon, Beth. That cartoon has been in my “religion” folder in my cartoon files for the longest time, but when I saw it yesterday, it did seem perfect for the times.

  • Don’t you periodically feel like God has hit the Smite key on your life? “Guess it’s time to smite her with (unemployment, death in the family, a break-up, whatever). “Guess it’s time to smite the U.S. with Donald Trump.” I think I was in one of those times.

    So glad you had the foresight to move your car!

    • Wendy — more than periodically, but that’s the Drama Queen in me. I pressed you on “SMITE” because you don’t seem like the kind of person who would have the word in her vocabulary. That being said, it’s certainly now an anchor verb in mine.

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