Spark and Spitfire

Grief Work

Grief Work

Part of getting over grief is knowing that you will never get over it.

The Sound of Entitlement

The Sound of Entitlement

I was awakened by the sound of titanium hitting a wood surface and instantly remembered that membership has its ignorance.

Sunrise Escapes

Sunrise Escapes

“Sometimes escape can be an art, or a selfishness, or just a gift you need to give yourself.” — Stephen Dunn, from his poem, “Mercy”

Sunrises with Zelensky

Sunrises with Zelensky

It is 11 p.m. EST, and I am safe and sound asleep when the sun rises in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

Hidden Monsters

Hidden Monsters

Be afraid. Be very afraid because it’s in there, waiting to surface again.