Spark and Spitfire

Adjusting My Focus

Adjusting My Focus

A plastic Target bag can hold a lot of hope and affirmation.

Sunrise Escapes

Sunrise Escapes

“Sometimes escape can be an art, or a selfishness, or just a gift you need to give yourself.” — Stephen Dunn, from his poem, “Mercy”

Our Devoted Friend, Jan

Our Devoted Friend, Jan

“I read a review of the new Philip Roth biography the other day. The author quotes Roth saying, ‘aging is a massacre.’ I agree!” — our devoted friend, Jan, April 5, 2121, 20 days before her cancer diagnosis.

Shifting Winds

Shifting Winds

The winds of your life are shifting when you realize that you are buying more sympathy cards than birthday cards.

Listen to the Sky

Listen to the Sky

Listen to the sky where the world offers itself to your imagination.