Spark and Spitfire

Avenging Jem

Avenging Jem

Discovering Jem’s body was not the only shock I experienced within the hour of his death.

Blessing Jem

Blessing Jem

My beloved cat, Jem — God’s good creature — offered glad company and left a lingering imprint.

Missing Jem

Missing Jem

My cat, Jem, died suddenly at the end of November, but I still hear him.

The World is On Fire

The World is On Fire

“I am your warrior. I am your justice. I am your retribution.” — Donald Trump, June 24, 2023

Ignite — 8/30/24

Ignite — 8/30/24

Ever wonder what heaven will be like? These cartoons may provide a clue.

Grief Work

Grief Work

Part of getting over grief is knowing that you will never get over it.

Saint Jake

Saint Jake

Never was there a more present, generous and grateful dog.

Attuned to Nature’s Music

Attuned to Nature’s Music

No one in my life heard the music of Mother Nature better than my beloved friend, Judy.

The Solitary Habit

The Solitary Habit

My father died two months ago. Yesterday, we did a sunrise walk together.