July 20, 2018

Birthday Match Game!


To mark the occasion, I am challenging Spark and Spitfire readers to a match game!

Following are four images (labeled A, B, C, D) from the front of greeting cards Adrienne has bestowed upon me over the past 14 years. After the last image is a numbered list of the messages from inside these cards. Your challenge: match the front of the card with its appropriate inside message.  WINNERS WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WISH ADRIENNE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Good luck!








  1. Hot and cheap.
  2. Not everyone is a morning person.
  3. I love you a hole punch.
  4. Gimme some sugar!

Again — your challenge is to match the inside card message with its appropriate front.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ADRIENNE!


  • CDBA: cleverly devised birthday acronym (Happy birthday, Adrienne: you’re a winner even if I am a loser!)

  • AC — you are NOT A LOSER, parTICularly as you are the first beloved to wish Adrienne a Happy Birthday on Spark and Spitfire. You have a choice of awards: a cup of sugar, a hole punch thingy, a fireball or a shower cap. Just let me know!

  • Looks like the contest has been won, but it is not too late to celebrate Adrienne, a real winner! Thanks for helping Sharon build a blog so we could celebrate you publicly! You are the BEST and the world is a much better place with you in it!

  • Happy, Happy Birthday, Adrienne! I hope you have a wonderful day and a special weekend. I’ll play the match game now: A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2. I’ve really enjoyed the time I have spent with you, Adrienne. You can never have too many sisters. God bless you always.

  • Thanks, Lauren and Beth, for your birthday wishes for Adrienne. She had no idea that I was going to post these cards. When she FaceTimed me about it, she said, “But what about the one that . . . ?” Birthday girl has a terrific memory, too.

  • Happy birthday, Adrienne! Here’s hoping you celebrate a wonderful birthday day and that you extend your celebration all through the week!

  • Happy Birthday, Adrienne! Thanks again for all your spamming help–may you never have to spam again!

    1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A

  • Thank you all for your well wishes. And yes off to a good start. Ironically, when I woke up this morning I had forgotten (for a moment) that it was my birthday. I did remember before seeing this post, thankfully.

  • I want to join the chorus and wish you Happy Birthday. Yes you have great taste in cards and great taste in EVERYTHING. Have a great year

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