November 14, 2020

Aglow 11/14/2020

A poem by Sarah Ruhl to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the sweet and hilarious relationship shared by Adrienne and Sharon.


Some say: to do the necessary task is greatness;
I say: do the least necessary thing first.

I don’t want a frozen living room,
a room where nothing happens.

I don’t want my labors tied in string,
a prelate hovering over, declaiming.

I want a treasure I did not ask for,
the way I didn’t ask to be born.

I want your arms and legs to be happy;
I want my arms and legs to be warm.

I want us to lie there, while the sky overhead
vigorously, vigorously does nothing.

Photo taken August 31, 2020 6:44 a.m.


  • The conversation Adrienne and I had as she left for her home last evening:

    ADRIENNE: I know that you are posting about our anniversary tomorrow.
    SHARON: How do you know?
    ADRIENNE: I know you. I also know that the post will say that I always call you on your bullshit.
    SHARON: No it won’t.
    ADRIENNE: I know you. Yes, it will.
    SHARON: It will not.

    Well, Adrienne was wrong. This post never says that Adrienne always calls me on my bullshit.

  • Happy Anniversary. How sweet it is.
    Thanks for the poem. The photo is beautiful. (Everyone, if you didn’t know Sharon took that photo.)

    • Happy Anniversary to a really great, creative and fun couple! What a way to celebrate, with a perfect poem and beautiful photo! Plus, no one was called on their bullshit! Congratulations.

  • Dear Sharie and Adrienne,
    Through all of life’s ups and downs, especially this year, your love for each other has endured and grown. I am so happy for both of you as you celebrate your love for each other. Have a wonderful evening out. May it be a time of laughter, reflection and reminiscing. God’s blessings and L❤️VE to you both always. xoxo 💜💜

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