February 1, 2019

Ignite 2/1/19

“Life is a great surprise,” said Vladimir Nabokov, “I do not see why death should not be an even greater one.”


  • Yes, I know that my subscribers received two notifications for today’s post, with the earlier notification entitled, “A Greater Surprise.” When I scheduled this post yesterday, I noticed that I had given it the title of “A Greater Surprise,” when it ought to have been entitled, “Ignite [followed by the date of publication]”. So I changed the title — YESTERDAY — but what a surprise to see that the version with the first title was published. So I unpublished the first version and re-published the one with the correct title. I didn’t think you’d get two notifications.

    I’m certain you all were dying to know these details.

  • Laughter always the best medicine! Even with death, perhaps. I remember funerals as highlights in my days of pastoring. People always so much more “real” in the face of their loss. I always tried to ask family and friends for some lighthearted memories and then included some of these in the services. Good to remember those times.

  • I, too, prefer making frothy desserts to being hit by a bus!
    Thanks for the smile today.

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